Ok, so, I’ve been at the current job for about a year, and for the whole time, there has been a note posted on both the microwave and the fridge in our break room that includes the instruction “Do Not leave food in microwave unattended”. There is a reason for this. The microwave has no turntable and from the looks of it it was manufactured only shortly after the discovery of fire.
For a year now I’ve watched people leave food in the microwave unattended pretty much every fucking day. It got bad enough that they sent out an email to all staff, which was also subsequently posted in the break room, describing microwave mishaps, quoting THREE different Safety Bulletins, citing agency policy, and threatening potential disciplinary consequences for leaving food in the microwave unattended.
Today’s rant is brought to you by one of my fellow cow-irkers in my section. She was in line behind me to use the microwave. I left the break room and stopped by the water fountain on the way back to my desk. And guess who walks past me into the restroom. Said cow-irker. So I flat out asked her if she had read the email posted in the break room.
And this is the best part. Not only did she acknowledge that she read it. She flat out told me she didn’t care. That she only had a half hour for lunch, so she wasn’t going to waste two minutes standing in front of the microwave. TWO FUCKING MINUTES. *rolls eyes*
Good Lord and butter. It’s not like that’s the only time she ever gets to go to the restroom and pee. *sigh* We don’t chain her to the fucking desk. Not to mention I only take a half hour lunch most days and yet somehow I manage to get my work done and pee and eat and still find the time to stand in front of the microwave and make sure my food doesn’t explode all over the damn thing. (Which, btw, happened to someone earlier this week who STILL hasn’t bothered to completely clean up the mess it made.)
Dear Cow-irker,
You are not a special snowflake. The break room rules don’t say “Don’t leave food unattended in the microwave…unless you only have a half hour for lunch.” They don’t say “Don’t leave food unattended in the microwave…unless you think you have a really good excuse”. And they don’t say “Don’t leave food unattended in the microwave…except for you, we don’t REALLY mean you, you’re a special snowflake.”
I am so sick of this special snowflake bullshit. You are not special. Yes, I mean YOU.