Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just the facts, ma'am

Ok, this would be post the first. I suppose a bit of introduction and explanation is in order. Blame Daphne. Seriously. I hate everyone and everything. But she’s under the delusion that I’m funny about it. Actually told me I should quit my job and make money writing poison pen letters for other people. Somehow I’m not seeing this as the HUGE money making venture that she’s envisioning. (Then again I thought the same thing about the gay porn and she was right about that one.) Whatever.

Anyway, this blog will mainly focus on two things – politics/sociology/human behavior, often focusing on feminism and the stupid sexist shit that pisses me off; and all the other stupid shit that pisses me off, with probably WAY too much info on my personal life and the way the “men” in it are driving me absolutely spare. This list is not exhaustive, so be prepared for the occasional rant on how the new scoring system has utterly destroyed figure skating or about why the BCS is crap or how television makes brain cells commit suicide.

Oh, and regarding comments. I have opinions other people don’t like and a lot of the time I don’t give a shit. If you decide to argue in my comments, I will moderate the hell out of trolls, but intend to give plenty of leeway to people who just want to duke it out. Just remember, there’s no crying in baseball. Be prepared. Wear protection. And if you want a “safe space”…this ain’t it.


Daphne said...

No delusions. They are funny.

And you know me, I'll argue with you just for shits and giggles.

(Is this a family blog? Can I say shits and giggles?)

DarthVelma said...

Family blog?

You've got to be shitting me. *snort*